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Opening Concert “Pyotr Tchaikovsky – Music of the Longing Heart”

Opening Concert “Pyotr Tchaikovsky – Music of the Longing Heart”


Pyotr Tchaikovsky

  • Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, Op. 23, 1st mvmt Allegro ma non troppo e molto maestoso
  • Arias and scenes from the oper: Eugene Onegin, Jolantha and Joanna D’Arc
  • Adagio from ballet The Sleeping BeautyPas de deux”
  • Symphony in B minor Manfred, Op. 58 1st mvmt Lento lugubre
  • Symphony No. 1 in G minor op. 13 Winter Daydreams, 2nd mvmt Land of Gloom, Land of Mist: Adagio cantabile ma non tanto
  • Symphony No. 4 in F minor Op. 36, 4th mvmt Finale. Allegro con fuoco
  • Symphony No. 6 in B minor op. 74 Pathétique, 4th mvmt Finale. Adagio lamentoso